JavaScript closures
Closures are powerful features of JavaScript.
A closure is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression).
Many developers were first introduced with closures when they try to execute code that similar to given below
for (var i = 0; i < aLinks.length; i++) {
aLinks[i].onclick = function() {
Code contains an error that can be explained as follows.
It doesnt matter which link is clicked. We see only the last number(aLinks.length - 1).
We can fix an error. Lets create a closure function that creates a local copy of variable i.
for (var i = 0; i < aLinks.length; i++) {
(function(i) {
aLinks[i].onclick = function() {
Data encapsulation
In object oriented languages like Java we use private/protected and public methods in classes. Lets emulate OOP behavior in JavaScript class.var o = new Helloer();
function Helloer() {
// private scope
var say = function(sMsg) {
// public scope
return {
sayHello : function(sName) {
say('Hello ' + sName);
May 20th, 2011