Boolean search
The Boolean search is a model for information retrieval in which Document is considered as a bag of words. Any query is posed as a boolean expression of terms where term means word.
The bag of words
Let us consider closely the model by an example.

Term-Document incidence matrix

We have a four documents which contains programming skills of employees.
  1. Yernat
    PHP, Java, Basic
  2. Marat
    Perl, Java, C++
  3. Rinat
    PHP, C++, XSLT
  4. Bekzat
    Java, HTML, PHP
Let us tokenize string of skills and build the equivalent matrix in memory(RAM)
Term-Document incidence matrix

Boolean query processing

Let us try to find employees who skilled with PHP AND C++.
The result is Rinat.
May 3rd, 2011
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Moi krug - Yernat Assanov
(C) 2010, kseeker
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